Shantanu is a 20 year old boy from MP, India who suffers from quadriplegic CP. As the earlier post explains, he is not able to walk even with a walker or other form of assistance, cannot move independently into a wheelchair, has difficulty sitting, is not capable of feeding himself and speaks with some difficulty (you need to be a keen listener to be able to understand him).
He is completely dependent on his mother for carrying out his normal day to day activity. He has normal intelligence and is currently pursuing his graduation in the field of commerce. His interests include listening to music, watching television (specially discovery channel - people often get surprised by his factual knowledge), reading newspapers, and above all, pestering his elder sister (who happens to be me).
He always has a question for every answer and sometimes its really annoying when his why's make you really think why. Convincing him about a thing so that you get no further queries in that direction is like winning a marathon...but the charming smile manages to disarm you every single time.
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